Ar stands for
Ar stands for

ar stands for

And if you dare to bring up this vitally important issue of daily assault on our rights, freedom and liberty, our very way of life in America, they will predictably dig in, deny, deflect, and defend themselves. The fact is, far too many people never have the unfilled time to spend even one hour a day watching or listening to a source of quality, accurate news and analysis that isn't meant for Kool-Aid drinkers who haven't got a clue they don't have a clue.

ar stands for

Watching the Regime Media's news, PMSNBC, MSLSD, the Constipated News Network, the Pure B S channel, the National Pubic Radio channel, the Morning Shmo, or reading the New York Slimes or the Washington Compost not only doesn't count, rather it permanently cements the misinformation in from Left-wing hacks, kooks, clowns, and flat out liars who are actually very good at what they do. As a result, these people are CHRONICALLY UNINFORMED. And it never stops! They NEVER STOP! Their APATHY is exacerbated by their always doing vs. And truthfully, that's all well and good. Too busy working, golfing, bowling, swimming, boating, vacationing, Skyping, FaceTiming, watching back-to-back football games and soap operas in the day, and watching America's Got Talent at night, it really doesn't matter what.

ar stands for

Too busy always doing things and filling time. They don't know they don't know, they don't know. Too many people, as simply as stupidly, just don't give a damn. The question is, why are so many Kool-Aid drinking people so grossly uninformed about the Second Amendment and its inseparable mate, day-to-day politics? WHY?Ī – Apathy. Let's begin with a very basic, easy to remember A, B, C, 2D diagnosis. I promise you a very valuable answer, one that will be well worth your time to study. So maybe, and with all respect to the ArmaLite Rifle company, I just may have a very different answer for you, to my "What Does AR Stand For?" question. But I promised you a diagnosis and a prescription. If I stopped writing right now, you would already know more than half the country and most politicians (including lawmakers) about AR's, mostly because of the Left-wing propaganda machine that endlessly gins up misinformation aimed at a thirsty Kool-Aid drinking public.

Ar stands for license#

Machine guns are fully-automatic, cost a small fortune to get a license for, and the very extensive background check time is about 9 months! The reality is, an AR is a semi-automatic, anything but a machine gun. Now tell me the truth, did you believe any of that definition? If so, you'd be wrong on all counts along with all the people I mentioned! "AR" stands for a company called " ArmaLite Rifle." They developed these and other rifles way back in the 1950's. Most Democrats, Lefties, Statists, Progressives, or American Marxists (as we now call them thanks to "The Great One," Mark Levin), certainly believe that these are the machine guns that are all over our city streets and account for most murders. If you guessed "Assault Rifle" or "Automatic Rifle," you'd have lots of company.

Ar stands for